Tuesday, March 27, 2012

winning the Tony Award

Well, yesterday was pretty amazing, my friends. I got up at 7 and spent the day working like mad - preparing a piece to send to a competion, starting another, and then having a long talk with Isabel about the memoir. She had a very good idea which I will share at some point.

She was preparing the aperitif and I was in my writer's flat checking my email, when I received yet another gift from the universe - an endorsement from the playwright Tony Kushner, Pulitzer Prize winner and general all-round amazing guy, who quotes my book in one of his. This is what he says about "Finding the Jewish Shakespeare":

"Finding the Jewish Shakespeare brings back to literary life Jacob
Gordin, a protean, prophetic, wickedly funny and absolutely serious
theater artist. Along with him, his great granddaughter Beth
Kaplan resurrects the richness, magnificence and complexity of the
world of Yiddish theater. This is a witty, shrewd and elegant book
which tells a story of vital importance: how an impoverished,
beleaguered immigrant culture begins to speak to itself, begins to
find its agency by understanding itself through art, by finding its
voice. In the process, Kaplan performs a smaller but invaluable
service, namely detailing the life of a marvelous playwright, whose
career makes a great story about making theater."

I nearly wept with joy - took my computer over to Isabel's to share the news, and as I walked onto the terrace, she popped a champagne cork. Pure serendipity, but what a fine moment. I sent this on to a friend who told me I'd won the Tony Award. That's for sure. A reduced version will go on the cover of the paperback. "Witty, shrewd and elegant" - I like that very, very much.

Today, I sent the piece in to the competion and could hardly be pried away from the bench under the magnificent tree on the terrace, reading, working, thinking. I will be sad to leave here tomorrow. It has been extraordinarily fine.

Many thanks to Isabel, for opening her beautiful home and heart.


  1. Beth, congratulations, what a fabulous review! I am following your blogs and living vicariously through them. Thanks to your vivid descriptions and photos I can taste the wine, peruse the flea market, and savour that soup and cheese as though I were also in France, you lucky dog! (I know, luck has precious little to do with it!) You look tres elegante, too, in your red leather jacket, very French! Looking forward to more... Spring in France, I'm enjoying it tremendously!

  2. Isobel, it adds so much to my pleasure, on my travels, to share them with whoever wants to log in and check. Would have loved to saunter around the flea market with you and your fine eye. b.

  3. Congratulations, Beth, on a fine, fine review!
