Monday, November 25, 2013

rock the vote and then just rock

I was so proud to vote today, at Sprucecourt School where I have voted for the past 25 years. Hooray for Democracy. The Lib volunteers were out like crazy, knocking on my door twice to be sure I've voted, several phone calls, and not robocalls either, real people. I think Rob Ford has done us all a great favour. We're much more aware how every vote counts. Because if you don't think and don't care, look what happens. 

A hilarious - well, no, a savage article in the Star by Christopher Hume, on the pompous, hypocritical blowhard Conrad Black coming to the defence of one of his political stablemates, Rob Ford:

And one more thing - I checked on the 'net last week to see how Macca's new album was doing - it was at #40, so not great. But I checked out the top ten - #2, Celine Dion; #5, Avril Lavigne; # 7 Drake, and #9, Arcade Fire. Canada rocks, literally!

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